Diana Adkins

Interview Topic:

Freedom to be You - Unweaving Your Blocks to Creativity

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Diana Adkins is a Minister, Coach and Teacher; author of the Toltec Tools & Wisdom book How to Potty Train Your Brain, and she is certified in various modalities (Reiki Master, Rays, Law of Attraction, Energy Dowsing, Personality Assessment, as a Hypnotherapist and Akashic Record reader).

Utilizing Toltec Psychology and various energy/shamanic tools and practices, Diana leads her students/clients into an exploration of themselves since – “we can’t change what we can’t see”. So, we need to turn, face ourselves and SEE…..but see honestly and with compassion, finding that unique inner wisdom inside us all rather than the critical judge.

Diana’s passion and mission is to support self-awareness, self-respect, integrity and truth - through expanding the boxes of our thoughts and beliefs. She encourages everyone to learn their own truth - and then to live it.

You can learn more about Diana on her website:


Diana’s free gift to you:

Block Busting Freedom Bundle! 

Use these three tools to support you towards your freedom.  First, by identifying any stressors you have, and second, learning how you might be blocking your truth with cognitive ‘distortions’.  Third, use Diana’s “37 Questions to Liberate yourself” –  asking you questions to explore yourself through a strategic process to take you to greater depths - for now and for your future!

CLICK HERE to claim Diana’s free gift.