Krystal Penrose

Interview Topic:

Re-membering the Ancestral Ways Through the Wisdom of the Plants

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Krystal Penrose is the Co-Founder of Kokoleka Collective where she is an educator and facilitator for the re-emergence and re-membering of the ancestral and matriarchal, Earth and heart - based ways of living and serving. She is dedicated to protecting and upholding the ancestral wisdom of cacao and other medicines and pilgrimages regularly to Central & South America to continue building bridges between this wisdom and the modern world. In addition, she has an Entheogenic Therapy Practice, Earth & Spirit Medicine, where she weaves Transpersonal Psychology, Ritual, Plant & Mycelial Wisdom, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Trauma Recovery work as well as Preparation & Integration into her 1-on-1, group, ceremony and retreat containers.

You can learn more about Krystal on her website

Krystal’s free gift to you:

Free Cacao Masterclass, in this class, you'll learn with Krystal who's been studying cacao for a decade all about the history of cacao, how it made its way to the West, some of the cosmology behind cacao and some research on the benefits to drinking cacao daily (hint: it'll change your life). 

CLICK HERE to claim Krystal’s free gift