Winter Jendayi

Interview Topic:

Earth-based Wisdom as a Path to Creativity

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Winter Jendayi is a ceremonialist, musician, mentor and doula who holds sacred spaces to support others in healing, transformation and awakening. Winter is a Moon Dancer, Sahumadora and Pipe Carrier of the Metzliyolilitzli Danza- Moon Dance in Costa Rica- where she has been dancing since 2014. Her path is firmly rooted in the Red Road teachings of the Seven Directions and the wisdom ways of her ancestral lineages. For the past decade, Winter has spent time in countries and communities around the globe where she has been studying with indigenous leaders and weaving worlds as a community organizer, musician and ceremonial guardian. Music is the heartbeat of Winter’s life and sacred song is woven into many of her offerings as she allows the sounds and vibrations to inspire and facilitate healing.

You can learn more about Winter on her website:

Winter’s free gift to you:

The sacred wheel of life. Seasonal & Cyclical Living.

An introductory class sharing Earth-based Teachings for Seasonal and Cyclical Living.

CLICK HERE to claim Winter’s free gift